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April Update: Coronavirus Pandemic

If you would like to donate to help us provide food for families please click here. All donations are tax deductible. In the “Fund” section scroll down to “Other” and in the comment section write “YWAM Antigua Food Distribution” .  If you prefer to send a check, please make the check payable to “YWAM” and attach a note to indicate it is for YWAM Antigua Food Distribution,  mail it to:

YWAM El Paso-Juarez

4444 Edgar Park Avenue

El Paso, TX 79904

The coronavirus has impacted everyone and especially ministries that are used to being with people.  Our base has shut down all of its ministries but we have been able to purchase food to be distributed to our local community as well as in San Pablo La Laguna.  When the pandemic started to affect Guatemala we immediately sent out requests to our supporters to donate to help us purchase food.  The response was incredible and we have been able to provide 435 bags of food to date.  We are planning to continue to distribute food locally for the next month or longer depending on our finances and the needs of the community.  It has been a great way to demonstrate God’s love for these families in need.  We are praying that the virus will end its destructive invasion and God will accomplish his purposes during this time of isolation.  Guatemala has not had many cases of the coronavirus and the government has placed restriction to slow down the spread of the virus.  We have to be in our homes from 6 p.m. to 4 a.m. each day.  Essential services are able to continue but most other businesses are shut down.  Antigua is impacted severely because of the income that is generated by tourism.

Our staff is doing well and we all participated in a course called “Member care”.  It was a 30 day course that gave us a lot of good information on how we can better care for each other and ourselves.  YWAM had previously planned to offer a similar course in May but it has been cancelled.

One of our staff, Susy, was not able to return from a trip to El Salvador to help translate for a pastor from the USA.  She was sent back to El Salvador by Guatemala immigration because she had been in Spain prior to her trip to El Salvador.  She was placed in quarantine for 20 days and then released to go to her parent’s home in San Salvador where she had to be in quarantine another 15 days.  Her quarantine time is over but the borders are closed for an indefinite period of time.  We are praying she will be able to return to Guatemala soon.



Many of the families in our community have no reserves to draw upon during this crisis.  They are day laborers and when there is no work there is no income.  The Guatemalan government is allowing utility bills to be delayed in payment in order to keep the electricity and water operating in each home.  They are providing a small amount of food to only a few people.  The needs are great and as the shut down continues conditions will become even more difficult for families.  Pray with us for provision for the families and for resources to be made available to meet their needs.  The schools are closed and the children do not have the option of continuing their education through online studies.

Tiempo de Esperar, Perseverar y Aprender.

La biblia nos habla en el libro de Eclesiastés que hay tiempo para todo. (Eclesiastés 3)

Este tiempo de cuarentena ha sido un tiempo inesperado e indeseado para mí. Sin embargo, lo que ha marcado la diferencia ha sido el esperar con Dios y en Dios. (Salmo 37:7a) Los Salmos 91 y 46 han sido un gran aliciente para confiar en la soberanía de mi Dios con mi mente y alma. 

Además, considero que en nuestro caminar con Cristo, la situación actual en la que el mundo se encuentra, ha puesto a prueba nuestras convicciones y creencias, basadas en nuestro conocimiento de la verdad en la biblia. Las noticias, las redes sociales, nuestros amigos y familiares son fuente de información que debe ser filtrada a través de la luz de la Palabra de Dios. Somos humanos, sin duda alguna, seres finitos físicamente, pero los que hemos aceptado a Cristo en nuestro corazón sabemos que ya estamos disfrutando una eternidad en Cristo al conocerle cada día más a Él. (Juan 17:3) Si usted no ha conocido al único Dios verdadero y a Jesucristo a quien Él envió a morir por nuestros pecados, yo le animo a que pueda invitarle hoy a morar en su corazón para que usted también pueda enfocarse y perseverar desde una perspectiva de la vida eterna con Cristo y no desde lo temporal que vemos en este mundo.

Las regiones de México, Centro América, el Caribe y Suramérica hemos sido bendecidas con enseñanzas semanales por nuestros líderes internacionales con un largo recorrido y experiencia en Juventud con una Misión durante el último mes. Yo he aprendido que este tiempo sabático permitido por nuestro Dios en mi vida puedo ocuparlo para evaluar y podar algunos aspectos personales innecesarios. De la misma manera, se nos ha invitado a que en nuestras localidades de Juventud con una Misión evaluemos, podemos y planeemos nuevas formas de evangelizar, discipular y hacer actos de misericordia guiados por el Espíritu Santo que apliquen a las restricciones actuales que enfrentamos.

Espero que la Paz del Señor les llene sus mentes y corazones en este tiempo de esperar, perseverar y aprender.

Susy de Ahlberg

We hope you are doing healthy and staying safe in the midst of this crisis.

The coronavirus has affected all of us in some way.  Guatemala is on shut down for many businesses and many people are not able to work until there is a change in policies and it is safe to do so. We know that many families do not have a reserve of food or finances to help them during this time but we are grateful that with YWAM Antigua staff we have the opportunity to bless families with bags of food to help them meet their needs.

Thank you for your prayers for us.

Renzo and Emma Lopez

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