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Discipleship Training School

The DTS is the primary discipleship program of Youth With A Mission. More than 6 million people have completed a DTS during the past 60 years! The goal of the DTS is to "know God and make Him known."

It is a 20 week program of which the first 12 weeks are devoted to classes on topics that are critical to the formation of a disciple of Christ, delivered by different teachers using a variety of teaching techniques. The remaining weeks are spent on outreach taking the good news to others and living out what we have learned in the classroom.

A large part of the DTS is learning to work together as a team through daily work assignments, intercessory prayer sessions as well as times of worship, preparation and training for outreach ministries and group activities. It is a challenging time of learning and applying the revelation God gives to students as they dedicate this time to spiritual development.

The dates of the next school are as follows:
To be announced

Read on to learn more about the program.

The Discipleship Training School is accredited by the University of the Nations (UofN) and is a 20 week intensive school that is composed of a 12 week lecture phase and a 8 week field experience or outreach. The program is for anyone over the age of 18.

During the lecture phase a new topic is taught each week by a different teacher chosen by the DTS leaders. The lecture phase focuses on knowing God, knowing yourself and learning how to minister to people of a different culture. The DTS is a unique opportunity, perhaps a once in a lifetime experience for students leave their "everyday life" and enter into a season of personally deepening their relationship with Jesus.

The field experience (outreach) is the practical application of the lecture phase in which the students minister in a different culture.

Our YWAM-DTS has a focus on “Compassionate Leadership”.

During the lecture phase we will teach topics that will help each student develop leadership skills that are critical when working with people who need compassion because of the life situations they face. Our base has always had a heart for reaching out to people in need in our community and we have traveled to other countries to work alongside people who are facing situations that require compassionate leadership.

YWAM-DTS Lecture Phase Topics Include:

  • Intimacy & Worship
    Nature & Character of God
  • Hearing God’s Voice
  • Christian Living
  • Father Heart of God
  • Inner Healing

  • Relationships
  • Spiritual Warfare
  • World Missions
  • Evangelism
  • Supernatural Ministry
  • Destiny / Calling

We are a bilingual school but it is not necessary to speak both Spanish & English
as we provide a translator for the classes.

DTS Outreach Phase

The second phase of the DTS is dedicated to, “Making Him Known” and involves 8 weeks of outreach. During this time students live out what they have learned in the classroom session as they minister to each other as well as to those who have not met Christ in a personal relationship. The disciple of Christ becomes both the message and the messenger of the gospel to the lost.

A variety of ministry expressions are used to communicate the gospel in a variety of settings such as schools, prisons, hospitals, orphanages, open air meetings, coffee house ministry, and church settings. Students will have opportunities to present dramas, human videos, puppets, testimonies, preaching and teaching and conduct intercessory prayer sessions and prayer walks. Mercy ministries such as home construction projects, feeding programs, and medical assistance are also used to demonstrate the love of Christ to a needy world.

Past outreaches have been to:
Belize, Haiti, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, India, Israel, Greece, Malaysia, and Nepal.

DTS Payment and Fees

I) All students pay a non-refundable Application Fee of $35.

II) Upon receiving notification of acceptance to attend the DTS, you will be given information on how to pay. A $100 non-refundable deposit will be required to reserve your space in the school (this is credited towards your tuition).

III) Lecture Phase Fees (12 weeks): based on your country of citizenship - use the table below to learn more.

IV) Outreach Phase Fees (8 weeks): Estimate $1200 plus cost of transportation and visas. All fees must be paid before leaving for the outreach.

DTS Application Procedure

(includes all other required forms)

If you have any questions about the DTS please email us at